
Something fun happened yesterday Rode for the first time my longest distance and time... 26.1 miles and 2 h 15 min. Now to some this is a warm up.. soon...

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Life is about

Life is about

Life is NOT about just waking up and going about the day solving problems Life is about waking up and being INSPIRED to evolve and BEcome and create....

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Pink moon

Pink moon

The full moon of April arrives on the wings of all sorts of cosmic mayhem recently. It is known as the pink moon from the appearance of the moss pink...

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Have you forgotten?

Have you forgotten?

Have you forgotten your divine relearionship? Have you forgotten your immortal divine gifts? Have you forgotten who you once were as a spiritual being of...

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funny patient story

funny patient story

Funny story So 2 weeks ago I am in clinic and I hear my 91 year old patient walking down the hall. She informs my medical assistant “ It is my birthday...

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We are in a magnificent eclipse corridor. With these 2 weeks we are oscillating between a Solar and a Lunar eclipse. There is deep healing of old wounds,...

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I am often heard saying this when asked "how you are doing today doc?" " Living the dream, just making sure its not someone else's nightmare." It is wise...

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Life is what it is...... not what we think life should be you are who you are ... not what you think others think you should be We are who we are... not...

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Energy medicine

Energy medicine

Energy medicine is not old school, it is OLD SCHOOL. It is what the ancients knew, and the younger races only now are beginning to remember. Healing...

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Darth vader wisdom

Darth vader wisdom

There are times when the burdens of our ideals, identity and our roles become too exhausting to uphold. Trying to be everything to everyone is tiresome....

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