Always ask questions. I encourage it to all my students. Asking questions is a sure sign of intelligence. Asking the right questions is a...
The difference between 2 minutes. As i bumble around in my busy life do I afford myself the wisdom of 2 minutes? I may look down at my...
Early morning swims are the best ... So yesterday I had to do 4200 yards again.. 2.4 miles.. one end of the lake to the other is about 550...
To be loved When I have been wronged by someone it is so easy to judge, get bitter, and become unforgiving. All I know is how I feel. The anger,...
What do you call an epic failure? Well yesterday was one.. for me We usually hear about all the successes on social media but not so much...
I have been asked what is the difference between the soul, the body and you. My answer is fairly simple. You are the soul,and you have a body....
Love is Light Light is Love Light is wisdom Love is unconditional Love heals Light and Love is the path Love yourself Love your reality Love is the way...
I am chatting yesterday with a patient about his surgery and he informs me that it was postponed.... I inquired as to why since I had already cleared him...
Met a lovely patient today.... She is 87 years old and really with a heart of gold I have been her Cardiologist for a long time But...
How would you feel if you discovered that your life was just a dream? And that when you die you actually wake up Hmmm... So how about you...
sometimes I find that I am not always where I want to be, yet I am always where I am needed. Thank you Universe for allowing me to serve. ...
Strawberry Full moon Lots of unrest arrives with this lunar phenomena this month as we head to an intensifying full moon. It may be feeling like...