Oct 31st Rare blue moon. We welcome this auspicious full moon on a Halloween night. The next rare occurrence will be in 2039 !! 2020 has been full of...
Halloween Halloween cometh. All Hallows Eve. A great festival of pomp and celebration enjoyed by many in different cultures over a three day period of...
Thr glass of water
There are pessimists who believe the glass is half empty There are optimists who believe that the glass is half full There are realists who believe that...
Having a vision
Having vision is the key to being able to getting off the couch and doing something to change the world The acting on that vision to achieve that goal is...
Hiding behind the mask
We all wear masks. We use them to hide our true nature of who we are. Why? Because we are afraid of showing up as our authentic selves. This serves many...
As we start off each day we must be clear about who we are and what we do It is in knowing our true identity, we will transmit the right message with...
The fortune cookie
At the end of every Chinese meal there is a tradition of opening up a fortune cookie and reading the mysterious wisdom I am sure you do it too... it is...
Finding happiness
I have been told and taught from a young age that I must find happiness. Like as if happiness grows on trees or is hidden away on some distant mountain...
Doing great things
When you are sometimes feeling the pressures of having to do great things and falling short..... Simply take a deep breath and do smaller things in a...
Falling in love with autumn
Falling in love with Autumn The smell of the warmth of the earth fills my nostrils The gauntlet of my day falls to the ground I leisurely walk the fields...
Motivation vs inspiration
“ There is no better motivation than being inspired by yourself” I hear a lot from coaches, motivational speakers, teachers about needing to have...
Leaf walk
Yesterday decided to go on a leaf walk with wifey Nitika Bhatnagar To explore the different varieties of leaves, we went on a nearby path. I attempted to...