Welcome to the july full moon. It goes by many names. For example the Buck full moon based on the farmers almanac or the Hay moon in Europe due to...
Happy medal monday As I recoup all my memories of yesterday’s spectacular event, I process those emotions, and integrate the body and spirit for a...
In quiet contemplation I had a beautiful awareness the other day, thought I would share. Life is not without its opposites. We try to be...
Medal Monday I put up this hook after several years and hung these race end acknowledgments. Some may think of these as pride...
Connection or attachment It is important to discern the difference between connection and attachment. These words are used in the spoken language...
When you are feeling sad, frustrated and unsupported.. Please remember than billions of your cells, and ALL your muscles, tendons, ligaments and...
These days technology has taken a sharp up-leveling in comparison to humans. The birth of A.I. is not just something out of the Terminator movies...
Happy Friday Happy Full moon with lunar eclipse. By now the effects of this magnificent cosmic combination is being experienced all around...
Finding your wonders of the world There will always be a time where the landscape of your mind is barren. Ideas may come and go yet nothing suits...
Every day the struggle is real. Convincing myself that the day will go as planned. Working at creating my future. Hoping that my ideas will come to...
The first mile Whether it is the first mile in running or the first few miles in biking or even the first 200 yards in swimming, it is hard. And I...
"The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius knows its limits" It is time that everyone take responsibility and accountability for...