It has been a rough few days. Wifey had to get surgery at end of last week. Thankfully, She will be ok, now the long road of healing of her shoulder...
Who am I with my story? An interesting question. It is within my story that I surround myself. It gives me an identity. My story gives me the...
Finding balance Have you ever noticed that your moods dictate your outcomes? When you are happy you seem to get tasks done more efficiently. If...
Happy Easter May you embody this day with love May you emerge from your inner darkness of confusion May you welcome the dawn of...
Yoda and Hulk. I see this picture everyday. Inspiring and in awe every time I view it. 2 figures that look so different in age, body...
Learning post # 359-Crystals I use crystals all the time. Whether in self meditation or when helping people via energetic medicine. I have had a...
I am an endurance athelete (amongst other things) I am also married What do the 2 have in common ? My thoughts Marriage is...
When you are feeling tired or depressed remember this picture. " Just be happy, life is about you and was made for you to enjoy. Throw a parade...
There are days when we worry.. worry.. worry. Why? Because of someone else's opinion of us that they may have said to us or about us to...
A struggle Life can be a struggle. For you. For me. For us. The constant tug and pull of my actions and that of others wears me down. A...
There are times where we jump to help someone to fix their behaviors. We think it is our job. We take it on with pride and try to change them. Many a...
How do you change the world? I have struggled with this question my whole life. Till I asked myself a deeper question. Why do I want to change the...