
Remember the story of the mother and child in the trauma room the other day. Well the saga did not end there, and nor did the lessons learned.  So a...

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Synchronicity.   It shows up at the most unusual times, yet is ever present. SO the other day I was at the hospital, just having finished my patient...

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Welcome to the Solar eclipse. I usually write about Lunar influences, but Solar eclipses are just as magical and important. These are akin to the New...

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Have you ever heard of the 75 hard challenge? It is a great quest to lose weight and get more mindful and in general healthier.   It involves a few...

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  Watching waves on the beach is fun. The sloshing sounds and the mesmerizing crashing of each wavelet against the sandy beach or upon the unmovable...

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Everyday do one thing that scares you, And every day do one thing that brings you joy and happiness   In this way by conquering your fears and...

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Unconditional love....   As it is is below ............ I love you

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When you feel happy realize that you are connected to your heart and soul   When you are stressed realize that you are connected to your mind and...

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We thank our Past for the lessons that they have brought   We thank our Future for the dreams that will come true   We thank our Present to the...

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Be like a rock in the water   Not allowed to be moved   Not allowing to be swayed   The water like life's circumstances going over it,...

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Why think separately from this life and the next when we are born from the last.?   It is the yearning of understanding of our great journey through...

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Apocaloptimist   There are times when we feel that our world is falling apart...   Nothing makes sense   World is at the brink of...

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