Thanks and Giving Day A memorable day of thanks given for a historic day of kindness and extraordinary unity as a people of one nation welcomed the...
Thanks and giving. Two equally important parts of a very festive occasion of Thanksgiving approaching this week. A two sided coin of receiving and...
At times we are asked to answer one of the oldest and greatest questions of our existence. WHAT IS OUR PURPOSE IN THIS LIFETIME? yet what if the answer...
Got up early this morning at 330am to witness something beautiful. The partial eclipse of the full moon. The eery red glow of the eclipse with a sliver...
"You better watch.out.....What goes around......comes around" An old adage rooted in fear designed to make us watch our words and actions. If I only...
In order to unlock our purpose and vision we must first turn the key. That key is gratitude. Gratitude opens the heart. The open heart is the gateway of...
Got it done. 2.4 mile swim (4000yards) in 2 hours flat. Unbroken. The last time I attempted this swim was in March of this year in 2 hours 26minutes. I...
Here’s your sign !! Said the universe. At times of desperation we look up at the stars and let out a great lament, as we surrender to the heavens above...
There are times when we are told we need to be loved There are times when we are told we need to love Let's be clear. We do not need to be told anything....
Have you laughed lately? Laughter is the best medicine. This age old saying has stood the test of time. Having a sense of humor has its benefits....
A sunrise is full of potential and endless possibilities A great life is full of wonderful experiences and should leave us feeling slightly exhausted. I...
I have heard that the way to success is for one to dream big. I think that is great advice. Yet. So does that mean if I dream small I will play small ? A...