
How would you feel if you discovered that your life was just a dream? And that when you die you actually wake up Hmmm... So how about you wake up now and...

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what is purpose?

what is purpose?

I get asked by many clients I work with or those that I teach " What is my purpose? And how do I find it?" To address this briefly... One of the most...

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Yu gen

Yu gen

YU GEN an awareness of the universe that triggers an emotional response too deep and mysterious for words Each day spend some time in silent...

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When we embrace our deepest fears, they no longer have any power over us. That is when we first begin to taste our own freedom Your powerful ally Dr...

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Funny story

Funny story

Funny short story. I am in the office and the next scheduled patient visit popped up. It is a Telehealth VIDEO visit. The app on my laptop signals that...

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to be loved

to be loved

To be loved When I have been wronged by someone it is so easy to judge, get bitter, and become unforgiving. All I know is how I feel. The anger, the hurt...

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Where you at

Where you at

sometimes I find that I am not always where I want to be, yet I am always where I am needed. Thank you Universe for allowing me to serve. Take a look at...

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Grounding part 2

Grounding part 2

Learning post #625 Part 2 Grounding- How to do it I explained the physiology of grounding in part 1. Here are some techniques. It is quite obvious that...

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Grounding  part 1

Grounding part 1

Learning post #624 Grounding. ( two part post) Part I What is grounding? Simply put it is connecting to the earth. Also known as earthing, it is a...

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Leaving a legacy

Leaving a legacy

Walking around the house busy with my thoughts and chores, I came upon a startling discovery. Apparently there were stickers of hearts all around the...

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solar eclipse

solar eclipse

If you are anything like me, then you have experienced the last several days to be chaotic and disorienting. Since the last lunar eclipse it has been one...

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