Dear universe THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING love Nitin .................. Universe replied Dear Nitin You are welcome and thank you for everything Love the...
Eating cake
"It's your birthday !! Yay Lets celebrate with some delicious cake...." "You lost that race ? That's ok lets go and have some feel good delicious cake. "...
Goals 2020
February 1st ! How are all the January 1st resolutions going? Are you on target? Did you fall short on some of them? It's a good time to triage your...
Circling the drain
Think about this for a minute as we happily sit on our front porch watching the sun rise drinking our daily brew. This sun at the center of our solar...
One of the biggest fears we have is that we are alone. Yet when we realize that the entire universe has our back and is willing to play with us, the game...
Do you find yourself complaining often? How does it make you feel when you do? When we complain we are already feeling miserable within ourselves. We...
I am
I am my past deeds I am my future goals I am who I am now. I am my successes I am my failures I am my sadness I am my happiness I am my dreams I am my...
Live deeply
There are times when we may meet people. Become friends, or even create family ties. Yet one day all ties and relationships end. It is the lasting legacy...
If you look at the sun through your window you enjoy the sun rays and see part of the star. If you stand outside in front of a tree and look at the sun...
Everyday just remember that no one is going to get up in the morning to inspire you. That's your job. When you are in gratitude for your life, you begin...
More than
You are MORE THAN you were yesterday You are MORE THAN you can be today You will be MORE THAN tomorrow You are not just enough Infact you are MORE THAN...
It is in the sadness that lies happiness It is in the grief that lies relief It is in the misery that lies joy It is in the depression that lies elation...