
Who are we ? We are our parents' dreams We are sons of peace We are daughters of love We are brothers of courage We are sisters of compassion We are...

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Yesterday was a glorious day. Today is going to be even better. Started with a 4am alarm clock ding and a speedy change to meet up with friends to run a...

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It is in the silence.... That I find my solace That I find my comfort That I find mySelf That I am not alone That I find the Universe waiting...

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It is wise to always know who to trust for your personal care In a world where the access to information and help is at the end of every button online...

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" the path you seek, is the path you are on"- dr nitin Bhatnagar ................. I love you

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A few reflections of my recent Triathlon race. The Finish. I was heading back on my 2nd loop of the run, when I saw my friend Jon run over and start...

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It when we earnestly and unconditionally give out our heart to others.... We will get back love infinite fold The beauty of the echo is that it works...

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So there is an unwritten tradition that one doesn't buy any iron man gear before doing the Iron man race... Same goes for not wearing the shirt from any...

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True success is not wealth, or knowledge True success is the impact one has on humanity and the world So start by impacting 1 person, 1 child,......

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As I gather my thoughts of yesterday’s epic experience I am humbled and grateful Something amazing happened. I did my FIRST Sprint Triathlon. My FIRST...

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As our little planet is dragged by our sun through the arms of the loving milky way we pass through the 8:8 Lions Gate. This is an Ascension threshold...

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Think of yourself as made of lego. There is one piece hidden deep within that holds parts of you together. Find that negative memory and remove it, and...

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