ln the stillness When I am invited into a story of a friend's difficulties or troubles, I immediately gravitate into the seemingly unavoidable feeling...
Live today love forever
So I lost a friend recently. In fact more of an acquaintance really. Someone who I had known briefly, yet why do I feel their loss. The water tastes...
We live amongst near-infinite bright stars, yet we see only the darkness of space. We are surrounded by abundance of nature yet we preach scarcity. We...
Get centered
I hear from people that they don't have time to meditate "Life is too busy.".. or "too many things to do"...or "I have too many things on my mind" Yet...
The wise doctor once said….
In order to unlock our purpose and vision we must first turn the key. That key is gratitude. Gratitude opens the heart. The open heart is the gateway of...
Lighting the candle of consciousness
As we lit the candles one by one... and spread them throughout the house in celebration of Diwali... i had a lovely contemplation that I would like to...
Happy diwali
Wishing everyone a happy diwali... This is the festival of lights and begins the hindu new year A time when wisdom conquers ignorance A time when love...
Friday the 13th, 2020
Welcome to Friday the 13th, 2020 An elusive date riddled with superstition and mystery. Moreover it has been shrouded in fear. Lets explore this...
Friday the 13th , 2020
Welcome to Friday the 13th, 2020 An elusive date riddled with superstition and mystery. Moreover it has been shrouded in fear. Lets explore this...
Sowing a destiny
Sow a THOUGHT, you reap an ACTION Sow an ACTION, you reap a HABIT Sow a HABIT, you reap a CHARACTER Sow a CHARACTER, you reap a DESTINY sow a DESTINY,...
Veteran’s day
Happy Veterans Day ! I never could understand what is so "happy" about it. These are men and women who have sacrificed their time, their minds, their...
How are you ?
How are you? A common greeting I hear each day as I pass by a familiar face at work or a stranger in the streets. A gentle downward bow, a smile of...