Yesterday decided to go on a leaf walk with wifey Nitika Bhatnagar To explore the different varieties of leaves, we went on a nearby path. I attempted to...
Instruction manual for life
When I left the delivery room with our children each time I scanned the room on the way out. Baby in hand check. Clothes bag check. Diapers check. A...
You are the living, breathing expression of love Nothing else matters but love It is waiting to become present in each of us in each moment Love is our...
A girl and a puck
Sometimes I am the teacher, and sometimes I get taught So a funny story of my 4.11 year old. In these parched times of covid 19, friends are hard to come...
Affirmation I am worthy of love I am worthy to receive love from others I am worthy to offer love to others I am worthy of love (Repeat daily and as many...
Ever watch the oscillations of the waves of the ocean? Back and forth, simple, majestic, soft, subtle. They churn the ocean with its delightful rhythmic...
Feeling small
It is easy at times to feel small It is easy to fall into the thoughts of insignificance It is easy to feel we have no impact on others or on the earth...
Darkness and light together
Each of us holds a love for the deep darkness within us. We yearn to release it into the world with pomp and pride. It lies secretly for some and more...
Focus on rhe big picture
There are times when we are faced with certain choices. Either be attracted to high value goals or be distracted by low value tasks. This is one of the...
Harvest moon
The Harvest Moon rises. This first October Full moon brings forth the energy to release deep seated fears. It will force us to explore the depths of our...
At times we are called to slow our minds and listen Hearing and feeling the words of another is a forgotten art in modern times Listening to ourselves...
“ I getting tired of being part of a major historical event” All too often we are immersed in events that are not of our choosing. We feel the pressure...