
The journey

The journey

Every journey begins with seeing a path... Every path begins with letting go of fear.... Every fear begins with embracing love... Every love begins with...

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How can i help?

How can i help?

The single most vulnerable thing that you can do each day is looking at yourself in the mirror and asking yourself this question. " How can I help YOU...

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November full moon

November full moon

Welcome to the full moon that follows the 11/11 energy star portal which is a potent gateway for spiritual advancement and awakening Here is a little...

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11:11 Ascension star portal gateway 11:11 is a potent moment of self mastery. The incoming phonic light from the galactic center affect the earths...

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11:11 Ascension star portal gateway 11:11 is a potent moment of self mastery. The incoming phonic light from the galactic center affect the earths...

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I in team

I in team

We've always been taught to put ourselves aside and focus on the team(everyone else) hence the quote "there is no I in team" I would argue that self love...

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Your stage

Your stage

Did you know you wear numerous hats each day? You are the actor (actress), director, producer, playwright, of your own play of your life. If you don't...

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Universe jokes

Universe jokes

Just thought I would share this with you. I had been sitting in my chair outside the other day enjoying the breeze when I recalled this funny...

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DOctors corner

DOctors corner

DOctor's corner.  An interesting story. I has a remarkable client who came to me with back pain. He had looked into traditional medicine and so far all...

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In order to unlock our purpose and vision we must first turn the key. That key is gratitude. Gratitude opens the heart. The open heart is the gateway of...

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Why do we hurt each other? Why do we keep hurting those that we love? Ripping another person to shreds with our harsh words, impulsive outbursts or...

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