New Blogs
Here’s your sign !! Said the universe. At times of desperation we look up at the stars and let out a great lament, as we surrender to the heavens...
I do not often take vacations. Usually for the last 6 years all my “vacations” have been either time off to study or to go learn at 5 to 10 day courses...
Recently we had our first snow fall of the season. It was wonderfully delicious. I snuggled myself in the first early morning cold, I enjoyed the taste...
While running any long distance event, there comes a time when we start to count and question our choices. For me that was at mile 18. The mind kicks in...
Weekly Blogs
My search for imperfection
My Search for Imperfection. Searching for imperfection? Has he gone mad ! Are we not all looking for perfection? Do we not hear perfection in the sounds...
What’s under your hood?
What's under the hood? My car looks good. It seems to drive well and functions well for the most part. I took it to the mechanic for a simple routine...
Listening to those old vinyls
Listening to the old Vinyls Do you remember listening to your parents or grandparents records? Old musical tunes imprinted forever on circular pieces...
AMRAP If you are wondering what is an AMRAP, well you are in good company. If you already know what it is, then you are already ahead of the...
Minimalize or minimize
Minimalize or minimize life I was having a spirited discussion with a close friend the other day about life changes and out looks on life. How to keep...
Anger what?
Anger what? Day in and day out, from moment to moment I find myself succumbing to the pangs of anger. Like waves in a tumultuous ocean,...
Spiritual enema….. Ingredients included
Spiritual Enema So much anger, so much hate, so much negativity. I am constantly surrounded by these bombarding emotions that I too am able to fiercely...
Being a Walmart greeter
Welcome to Walmart What is the first thing that you hear and see when you walk in to the Walmart stores? A friendly face greets you and says " Welcome to...
You have got mail
You have got mail Walk down the driveway, open the mailbox door and take out the freshly delivered mail. I am always enthusiastic about what...