New Blogs
Synchronicity. It shows up at the most unusual times, yet is ever present. SO the other day I was at the hospital, just having finished my patient...
Unconditional love.... As it is is below ............ I love you
Have you ever heard of the 75 hard challenge? It is a great quest to lose weight and get more mindful and in general healthier. It involves a few...
The Harvest Moon rises. This September Full moon brings forth the energy to release deep seated fears. It will force us to explore the depths of...
Watching waves on the beach is fun. The sloshing sounds and the mesmerizing crashing of each wavelet against the sandy beach or upon the unmovable...
When you feel happy realize that you are connected to your heart and soul When you are stressed realize that you are connected to your mind and...
Weekly Blogs

There are times when we think we have it all figured out. We feel like we have control over our lives. Then boom, Mother Nature has a different lesson to...

Elvish wisdom There are times when we are faced with many questions in life. Who am I? Why am I here? Where do I come from?...

Halloween Halloween cometh. All Hallows Eve. A great festival of pomp and celebration enjoyed by many in different cultures over a three...

Be like the sun. There are times when I am stepping on egg shells around other people's feelings, or not daring to speak up when I know I should...

What have you conquered that once felt impossible? ............... I love you

I was having a lovely chat with a friend who was having a hard time trying to figure out how to slow down her mind. She felt her mind was chaotic and she...

An Interesting story. So during my recent Ironman race in Lake placid new york, when I got to the run, I had completed the first loop of 13 miles...

The difference between 2 minutes. As i bumble around in my busy life do I afford myself the wisdom of 2 minutes? I may look down at my...

How would you feel if you discovered that your life was just a dream? And that when you die you actually wake up Hmmm... So how about you...