Nitin Bhatnagar

Just in case you woke up today confused delirious and forgetful here is a little reminder. You are beautiful for WHO you are You are beautiful for WHAT...

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Who we listen to is very important. Even in jest when some says “ you are crazy, or you are an idiot, or you are overweight etc.” the brain and the mind...

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There are times when we are told we need to be loved   There are times when we are told we need to love   Let's be clear.   We do not need...

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We live amongst near-infinite bright stars, yet we see only the darkness of space.   We are surrounded by abundance yet we preach scarcity.  ...

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Revolutionary results are achieved by an Evolutionary process   Revolutionary results are not achieved by a Revolutionary process.   Change...

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Did you know you wear numerous hats each day?   You are the actor (actress), director, producer, playwright, of your own play of your life.  ...

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Your heart is like a parachute....   Most useful when you have it fully open to love ............. I love you

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The universe expands and contracts and does this cycle for infinity.   When it expands, everything is exactly as it is now, with the possibility of...

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Money.   It is what we use to trade goods and services..... we seem to always chase this commodity. It is what we use define our self worth through...

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Happy Halloween   On this day or night there is a thin veil between light and dark , the living and the dead   The darkness can pass into the...

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I love traditions if only to research their origins.. the true stories from which they have arrived to our homes and survived generations   One such...

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There are pessimists who believe the glass is half empty   There are optimists who believe that the glass is half full   There are realists who...

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