Daily Writings



Beyond blessed to be able to have completed my 1st Self empowerment workshop last night... Humbled to have had awesome participants show up as their...

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All Hallows' Eve. Welcome to a fantastic day or rather night of costumed ghouls, fun and exciting games, and "trick or treating" children with bucketfuls...

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We are love

We are love

There are times when we are told we need to be loved There are times when we are told we need to love Let's be clear. We do not need to be told anything....

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One of the hardest yet most important task we can perform is to give PERMISSION to ourselves to grow, expand, and love unconditionally Once we allow this...

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The universe expands and contracts and does this cycle for infinity. When it expands, everything is exactly as it is now, with the possibility of change....

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The unknown. I was watching a baseball game the other day and had a bit of a startling revelation. No matter how many times the batter would hit the...

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Good idea who am i?

Good idea who am i?

People have been asking me lately what do I at www.wheelsofthemind.com ? Here goes: I am a perception exorcist I am a belief equalizer I am an energetic...

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Just be

Just be

In a world where you can BE a professional, BE a farmer, BE an engineer BE a scientist BE an artist BE a musician BE a parent BE a teacher BE a waiter BE...

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Dancing with love

Dancing with love

Find the innocence in every moment Fall in love with the simplest of things Welcome the abundance of love into every cell of your body Dance with your...

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