There is no such thing as the unknown. It is just temporarily hidden What we perceive as the fear of the unknown in our mind, is only our fears of what...
Everyone has a place in the world. It is unwise to be hiding inside some one else. Free your mind. Embrace your heart. Find...
Good morning loves... Let's start the year with a little exercise... Simply Take RESPONSIBILITY for every Thought... Word... Action.. that emerges from...
"Silence is not the absence of something, it is the presence of everything" Dr nitin Bhatnagar When we discover silence we discover ourselves When we...
Long ago in medical school classmates and patients had a hard time saying my last name.. probably still do.. I used to try to break up the name.. Bhat.....
I can either live to make excuses or excuse mySelf to live... My choice ! What's yours today? ................. I love you
This new years day the majority of us made goals and resolutions with intentions. Yes I have spoken about creating intentions into action steps and then...
A new year.... Winter is here. Nature gets ready to nestle into her cold bed as the blanket of snow packs down hard. All creatures know it is time to...
We have 364 days left for the next year Each day is like turning the page of our book of life We can either skim through our chapters...
Welcome to the new year. An unauthored chapter in our human evolution is ready to be penned. A blip or iota of time in humanity’s existence...
I can ask my GPS in the car and she tells me where to go and when to turn and when to obey the speed limit or what lane i am in I can ask my alarm clock...
Our greatest suffering lies in the assumption that every burden is ours alone to carry. It is not. ............... I love you