Be grateful for your strength and accomplishments for they have taken you far. Be grateful for your weaknesses and failures for they have taught you...
"I highly recommend this workshop to anyone who's feeling stuck in any part of their life. Nitin has a wonderful genuine enthusiasm for teaching this...
Client story
Share with you a client story. ( permission received) She came to me on the verge of a bitter divorce. Hurt, angry, betrayed. She had been wounded by his...
Roles we play
The roles we play Every day we put on the garb or disguise of a persona of that which we choose to reveal to the world. It is this role that we play when...
A take of 2 hearts
A tale of 2 hearts There I was having an internal tantrum. Yet another seemingly frustrating encounter with my son while I was trying to get into the car...
An interesting tale
An interesting tale. My story begins as most frustrated airline passengers' stories begin. A flight delay, a cancellation and a rebooking. 1024am Was...
Finding yourself
Everyone has a place in the world. It is unwise to be hiding inside some one else. Free your mind. Embrace your heart. Find yourSelf. ................ I...
Our greatest suffering lies in the assumption that every burden is ours alone to carry. It is not. ............... I love you
Road closed
Road closed ahead There are days when I am in a rush and the slowest person is in front of me raising my blood pressure. Just then as I pass them and try...
Elf wisdom
Alvin the elf's secret identity With great power comes great responsibility The power to give and receive love is not only great yet equally necessary in...
In the moment
Alvin the Elf's morning wisdom Every morning upon awakening spend a few. Minutes in ritual of the following INHALE and welcome the future without...
Alvin speaks.. Whether you are hard at work observing everyone around you, or busy flying constantly to and fro to the north pole, or tirelessly helping...