The difference between being lonely and being alone. This is easily confused and interchanged colloquially. I have always had a hard time in...
Follow the trail.. " I am.broken" Broken leads to hate... Hate leads to anger... Anger leads to separation.. ...
I have at times pondered the differences of knowledge and wisdom. Some have mocked me with the notion that this is all simply philosophy. So I...
Every day the struggle is real. Convincing myself that the day will go as planned. Working at creating my future. Hoping that my ideas will come to...
Finding balance Have you ever noticed that your moods dictate your outcomes? When you are happy you seem to get tasks done more efficiently. If...
What ever you may do today... Make sure you do one thing consistently... Speak YOUR truth not someone else's idea of the truth or a hearsay idea of a...
When you uplift others...... You in fact uplift yourself. You are JOY You are LIGHT You are LOVE You are the creative...
Memorial day. A day to honor those who have fallen in service of their country.... A day of reverence for their bravery, commitment and dedication of...
Take in a deep breath. Feel it fill every part of your lungs. When we follow the synchronicity of our breath we uncover that which follows. The...
There is a lot of fun riding with friends. Hopping on to the bike and off we go, exploring different roads and treks and destinations. Yet there are some...
Thank you Source for the splendor of the universe Thank you Universe for the magic of today Thank Today for all that it will bring ...