
Every journey begins with seeing a path... Every path begins with letting go of fear.... Every fear begins with embracing love... Every love begins with...

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A promise I made to myself when I first set out on my journey from the stars eons ago. " No matter where you are, I will find you, No matter how long it...

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During my recent long 100 mile bike ride we were asked to stay together... The idea being that the closer we are together, we take part in a physics...

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There are times on our journey that we may feel hopeless, lost, or even stagnant These are known as the " in between " times...or transition times... as...

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I have spent a lifetime understanding the mechanics of the heart as a cardiologist. Now I choose to LISTEN to the heart I choose to CONNECT to the heart...

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We are always searching for our real Selves. When our mind is clear...our hearts are pure we find ourSelves as clear as a reflection in still waters....

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When you believe you are in a hole, a pause, a slump, and life just is not going your way or even that you may not be worthy to enjoy life.... kindly...

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When you are surrounded by fear remember that FEAR is an illusion of the mind Falsely Elevated Action & Reaction Surrender your illusion to the truth of...

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Not every classroom has 4 walls Some classrooms are your entire life... your greatest lessons are yet to be learned with the most patient teacher of them...

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What is the different between run and ruin? It is the letter " I". We can 'run' ourselves with great vigor and work hard and achieve a great many things....

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It is always important to know the difference between your Ego and your true Self as you both avatar together serve your Divine purpose... Who is really...

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There are times when we feel we did our best and yet it was not good enough when we compared our best to the best of others. This inherently makes us...

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